Our Process
With close to 20 years of software development experience under our belts, we use a mixture of both standard waterfall and agile scrum development methodology for app development.
We use a simple six step phased approach. Concept and Discover Here we learn and understand your projects' concept and needs. Delivery: A project over view statement Functionality and Design Spec Here we detail out all functionality needs as well as begin exploring design direction. Delivery: Defined functionality spec, design direction document. Wire-frame After the functionality spec, this is the most important doc as it visually displays the app and all its features and function. The wire-frames is used as the "goto" doc for both developers and designers. Delivery: Wire-frame Story Boarding With the wireframe and functionality spec complete a storyboard is created. Similar a websites site map, the story board shows screen relationships and navigation. Delivery: Storyboard Design and Story Boarding This is when the design takes shape. We deliver three design directions and then refine down to one final design.App icon is also developed. Delivery: Final design and icon. Code Development and QA Here the rubber hits the pavement. Coding begins and the design is integrated. This is a multiphase approach. The app starts being presented to you in stages for review. Quality assurance, QA, has also begun and by the end of all phases the app is delivered for final approval. Delivery: staged app delivery and reviews followed by final delivery. App Store The app is completed and ready for uploading to the app store. Additional Services